Coaliția PSD-PNL-UDMR a stabilit datele alegerilor prezidențiale din 2025, primul tur fiind programat pentru 23 martie, iar al doilea tur pentru 6 aprilie. Surse din coaliție au declarat pentru Gândul că liderii PSD, PNL și UDMR au ajuns, în principiu, la un acord privind data organizării alegerilor prezidențiale din 2025. Primul tur ar putea avea […]
The main idea of the text is that the Romanian coalition government (PSD-PNL-UDMR) has tentatively agreed to hold the 2025 presidential elections on March 23rd (first round) and April 6th (second round).
The text also mentions:
* This decision is based on sources within the coalition and awaits official confirmation in January.
* Crin Antonescu is the proposed candidate for the coalition.
* Nicușor Dan will run independently.
* Elena Lasconi will be the USR candidate.
* Marcel Ciolacu has not ruled out a possible candidacy.
The text essentially summarizes the current state of planning for the 2025 Romanian presidential election.
The main idea of the text is that the Romanian coalition government (PSD-PNL-UDMR) has tentatively agreed to hold the 2025 presidential elections on March 23rd (first round) and April 6th (second round). The text also mentions: * This decision is based on sources within the coalition and awaits official confirmation in January. * Crin Antonescu is the proposed candidate for the coalition. * Nicușor Dan will run independently. * Elena Lasconi will be the USR candidate. * Marcel Ciolacu has not ruled out a possible candidacy. The text essentially summarizes the current state of planning for the 2025 Romanian presidential election.